Sharing should be fun and easy to do. Webflow gives you the power to build your own custom responsive websites & components, VISUALLY.
A lot of us enjoy making custom buttons/links etc., and Webflow empowers us to do that.
Below you can learn how to create some custom social sharing links like the one at the top right of the screen.
Create a link-block add a class to it of your choice
Use this code with your newly created class in the class field of the code, to fetch the current page URL and share it to Facebook:
Repeat Steps 1-4 Above, then:
Use this code with your newly created class in the class field (class name is case-sensitive), to fetch the current page URL and share it to Twitter with a custom tweet:
Pinterest honestly doesn't play very nice when it comes to creating custom share buttons. If you're really interested, fill out the form below and I'll get back to you soon. :)
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